Sunday, December 15, 2013

Have Tools Will Travel

As we near the Winter Solstice I keep dreaming of the “painted skies” of the northern lights (Aurora Borealis) - those thousands of twinkling colors glistening across ink-black skies. In this deepest, darkest, coldest time of year may we find warmth among friends, family and cozy fireplaces stoked with yule logs.

I am feeling a bit like a gypsy these days, connecting here and there with kindred spirits, entertaining invitations to visit new towns and share my skills with eager young students. Temptation entices me. I’m headed back home to live in the DC area where my deepest roots and connections lie. Yet within 30 days, I will leave there to travel to the deep south for a month to work with several hundred students. Dark and light, cold and warm, one foot here and one foot there…it’s been a dance for several years.

March has me dreaming of visiting RubberMoon’s landing zone in Missouri after I revisit Paducah to do an ocean-themed clay mural with the Easter Seals adult clientele.

Every Winter Solstice I write down my intentions for the coming year and then stash it away to open on the Winter Solstice the following year. In 2012 I wished for adventure in 2013 and I certainly have had it this year!

So, with all of that, you can see why I’ve named this painting Have Tools Will Travel.

If you’re interested, here’s how I made it:  

Starting with an Art Square, from Inchie Arts, for my background canvas, I used Derwent’s Inktense watercolor pencils on top of RubberMoon’s very cool Brush and Pencil stamp and Splatter stamp. Then I painted the northern lights I keep dreaming of. In the end, I gently rubbed sparkly mica powders over top of my work.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I invite you to follow my blog, Artists Tell Their Stories, by clicking here: And if you’re interested in the work I do with students, please visit my website,

May your holidays be blessed and may your dreams and wishes come true in 2014.



1 comment:

  1. Great article! Thanks for sharing I have used Travel adult wipes and I must say, they are great relief using outdoors.
